Saturday 10 May 2014

Best ways to increase your stamina and energy levels of body

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“When people think of endurance and stamina, all they tend to focus on are cardio activities like running or cycling,” says Will Torres, a New York-based personal trainer and founder of the personal training studio, Willspace. “But that’s only a small part of the equation—you also need to improve your strength.” For example, Torres explains that by building your leg muscles, you’ll be able to propel yourself further in every step you take while running. “The added muscle also helps absorb the impact that would otherwise put stress on your joints,” he says. So here, Torres gives you seven sneak tactics (ones you’re probably not trying) to boost your endurance and stamina.
1. Combine strength days with cardio days.
It’s a simple equation: the more muscle you can get working, the more it will challenge your heart and your cardiovascular system. Instead of building cardio-only workouts (the pitfall that’ll prevent you from building endurance) make sure to weave strength days into your training. “Most people reserve one day for strength and another day for cardio. Try combining the two instead,” says Torres. “Use a bench press, immediately followed by pull-ups, then run a mile as fast as you can… and repeat.” Another good example: Jump rope for a minute, followed by squats, an overhead press, and finally sit ups. Repeat.
The Better Sex Workout >>>
2. Reduce your amount of rest.
Men typically give themselves between 30 and 90 seconds of recovery time in between sets, but if your goal is greater endurance, be prepared to sacrifice break time. “By the end of your sets, your muscles should be burning—you should be breathing heavily and sweating,” says Torres. “Only take a break if you physically can not continue.” Torres suggests selecting a series of movements like 10 pull-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups. Do three rounds of the series back to back, taking as minimal a break as possible.
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Make your intimate moments longer, stronger and hotter

A general note on nutritionWithout delving too far into it, literature fromWebMD to Discovery Health agrees that the best diet for sex is one that leads to a healthier lifestyle. The healthier the body, the better it will function as it's "exercising," but more importantly, you'll feel better about yourself. Research shows that most of the blocks to great sex (in healthy sexually active adults) are mood, not food. Stay fit, and you'll feel better about yourself and have better sex. (However, never forget that your partner loves how you look anyway.)
It can be easy to forget that at its heart, sex is a cardio workout, kind of like going for a run or hitting the elliptical. Just like someone getting ready to go the gym or an athlete getting ready to run a marathon, proper nutrition is essential to getting the sexiest results possible. Fortunately, just like sports nutritionists have identified optimal meals for the best results in a run, nutritionists have also discovered foods that will boost your sexual stamina.
The good news is that each of these foods are delicious as well giving you and your partner the endurance to keep the love on. The better news is that unlike running a marathon, you'll really love trying these foods and seeing the results for yourself.
Now for some specific food tips.

Foods rich in vitamin B-12

Any food rich in vitamin B-12 is going to help the body with energy production and with so many options to choose from, it's easy to get more B-12 into your diet. These options include eggs, shellfish, beef, caviar and fortified tofu.
Once you've had your B-12 feast, you can expect increased blood circulation and strength. It also helps to elevate mood.

Make an impressive meal with grilled beef tenderloin skewers >>


Raw oysters

The myth about oysters being good for you in bed is actually true! Oysters are high in zinc, which stimulates testosterone, a hormone useful for building and maintaining desire in both men and women. They also deliver amino acids which have been linked to sexual desire and omega-3s which help keep you in the mood. They also have lots of B-12!
Still, in perhaps the unsexiest article on sex diet, WebMD does caution that eating raw shellfish can lead to food poisoning, so only get your raw oysters from reputable sources. Nothing says unsexy diet like tummy trouble.

Grill up these oysters with herbed garlic butter >>



Watermelon is packed with citrulline, a natural chemical which helps the body increase oxygen flow in the blood. If possible, try to find a way to mix watermelon with garlic and/or ginger, both of which are found to cause blood to flow into the private parts in both women and men.

Try a refreshing watermelon and cucumber salad >>



Is there anything chocolate can't do? In particular, dark chocolate, while already being sexy on its own, helps release chemicals in the brain which lead to euphoria. This can help lead to a prolonged sexual experience. They're also packed with antioxidants which generally make the body perform better.

Save room for one of these decadent (but low-fat!) chocolate desserts >>



Grapes (and beans, but who wants beans in the bedroom?) are high in boron, a chemical that helps produce both estrogen and testosterone. Both of these hormones have been shown to aid men and women in bedroom performance: estrogen for libido in women and testosterone for physical stamina of any kind in both men and women. Not only that, but the shape of a bunch of grapes is a little suggestive, making them sexy snacks during intimate moments.

How to restore Windows 8 System Restore Guide

Introduction to System Restore
System Restore is a recovery feature in Windows 8 that allows you to restore your computer to a previous state. This is useful if your computer starts to function poorly or crashes and you cannot determine what the cause is. To resolve these types of issues, you can use System Restore to restore your computer back to a previous state that was saved before your problems started occurring. This will allow your computer to start operating correctly again.
When System Restore is enabled in Windows, it will automatically create snapshots called restore points that contain a backup of your Windows Registry, system configuration, program files, and system drivers and executables. These restore points are created automatically every day and before a significant event such as installing a program or adding hardware drivers to your computer. It is also possible to manually create a restore point at any time you wish. As previously said, when a restore point is created it only backups up your system files, program files, and the Windows configuration. It does not backup your personal data such as email, pictures, documents, videos, saved games, and music. Therefore, you should not use System Restore as a method of backing up and restore these types of files.
If used properly, System Restore can be an incredibly useful tool for the well being of your computer. Since System Restore creates new restore points every day and every time a program is installed, you always have a way to fall back to a working Windows configuration in the event that something causes a problem on your computer. For example, if you install a new program or hardware and find your computer is no longer working properly, you can simply restore back to a restore point that was created before you made the changes. This allows you to save considerable time and money by being able to quickly and easily resolve these issues by yourself.
Another powerful feature of System Restore is that you can use it from the Windows Recovery Environment in the event that you are unable to start Windows. This allows you to easily resolve an issue where Windows does not start by restoring to a time and date when you know Windows was working properly. More information on using System Restore from the Windows Recovery Environment can be found here:
How to use System Restore from the Windows 8 Recovery Environment
System Restore points are created when the following event occur in Windows:
  • Automatically every day.
  • When a new application is installed.
  • When a new driver is installed.
  • When you uninstall certain programs.
  • When new Windows updates are installed.
  • When you manually create one.
  • When programs are programmed to create a new restore point. This may be done when a program cleans your computer of infections or makes changes to your Windows Registry.
  • Right before you restore to a previous restore point, System Restore will create a new restore point.
System Restore does have some requirements to operate properly. These are:
  • System Restore needs to be enabled for each drive that you wish to monitor.
  • For each drive that System Restore monitors, it needs 300 megabytes of free space on that drive for it to be monitored.
This tutorial will guide you through using System Restore in Windows 8 to protect and restore your PC to a working configuration when it is necessary.
Restoring Windows 8 to a previous Restore Point
If you have a problem on your computer and you cannot fix it by normal means, then you can use System Restore to restore your computer to a previous state when your computer was working properly. To restore your computer to a previously created restore point please go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type restore point. When the search results appear click on the Settings category as shown below.

Searching for Restore Point

Now click on the option labeled Create a restore point and you will be brought to the System Protection tab of the System Properties control panel.

System Protection Tab

To restore your computer, click on the System Restore button and you will be presented with the main screen for System Restore. Now click on the Next button and you will be shown a list of available restore points that you can restore.

Available system restore points

Select the restore point you wish to restore by left-clicking on the entry once. This will then make the Scan for affected programs button available. If you click on that button you will be shown a list of programs that will be removed when you perform a restore.

Affected programs

If you are okay with the programs that will be deleted, please click on the Close button and then click on the Next button at the restore point selection screen. You will now be at a screen asking if you are sure you wish to perform the restore.

System restore confirmation

If you are sure you wish to continue, please click on the Finish button. System Restore will once again ask if you are sure you wish to continue. If you are sure, please click on the Yes button.
System Restore will now reboot your computer and begin the restore process. Please be patient as this can take quite some time.

System Restore is restoring a restore point

When the restore point has finished being restored, Windows will start back up and you will be at your login screen or desktop. You will then be shown a confirmation box as seen below.

System Restore complete

Your computer has now been restored back to the selected point in time.

How to undo a System Restore
If you restore a restore point and find that your system has become more unstable or you need the applications that have been deleted, you can undo a restore point. As System Restore creates a restore point right before it restores another one, you can revert back to the exact configuration you were using before you ran System Restore.
To undo a system restore, please go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type restore point. When the search results appear click on theSettings category. Now click on the option labeled Create a restore point and you will be brought to the System Protection tab of the System Properties control panel. Now click on the System Restore button and you will be presented with the main screen for System Restore.

Undo system restore

To undo a system restore, select the Undo System Restore option and then click on the Next button. Windows will now ask you to confirm whether or not you wish to perform the Undo: Restore Operation. If you wish to, please click on the Finish button. Once again, Windows will ask if you are sure you wish to continue and you should now click on the Yes button.
Windows will now restore your computer and begin to undo your previous system restore. When it has finished, you will be brought back to the Windows login screen. Once you login, you will see a confirmation box on the classic desktop stating that the restore was successful.

Undo Success

Your previous system restore has now been undone.

Manually Creating Restore Points
It is possible to manually create a new restore point when you wish rather than waiting for the daily interval. If you wish to create manual restore point you need to go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type restore point. When the search results appear click on the Settingscategory. Now click on the option labeled Create a restore point and you will be brought to the System Protection tab of the System Properties control panel.

System Protection Tab

Please click on the Create button and you will be shown a prompt asking you what you would like to name the new restore point.

Name the restore point

Enter a descriptive name and then click on the Create button. The restore point will now be created.

Creating a restore point

When the restore point is finished, you will be shown a dialog box where you can click on the Close button.

Disabling System Restore
It is advised that you do not disable System Restore as your computer will no longer be protected and all the previous restore points will be deleted. If you still wish to disable System Restore, please go to the Windows 8 Start Screen and type restore point. When the search results appear click on the Settings category. Now click on the option labeled Create a restore point and you will be brought to the System Protection tab of the System Properties control panel.
Tip: The one time it is suggested that you disable and then enable System Restore is after you clean infections from your computer. By disabling System Restore after an infection cleanup you will disable all restore points that may reinfect you if you restore them in the future. Enabling System Restore after these potentially infected restore points are deleted allows you to start with a clean slate.

System Protection tab

To disable System Restore you need to disable it for each drive that is currently protected. To do this left-click on each drive listed in the Protection Settings box so that it becomes highlighted. Then click on the Configure button. This will open up the System Protection properties for the selected drive.

System Protection properties for a drive

To disable System Restore, select the Disable system protection option and then click on the Apply button followed by the OK button. System Restore will now be disabled for that particular drive.
Now go through all of the other drives and disable System Restore for those drives as well. Once all drives have been disabled, System Restore will be disabled.

Enabling System Restore
If you, or a computer infection, has previously disabled System Restore, you should enable it again so that your computer is protected. To do this, follow the steps in the previous section until you are at the System Protection properties for a particular drive. This time you should select the Turn on system protection option and then press the Apply button followed by the OK button.
You need to perform this step for each drive on your computer for your system to be fully protected. Once you have enabled System Restore on each drive, you should see that protection is On for each of the drives on your computer.

Using System Restore is an important step to keeping your system safe and secure. In the event that you have an issue in the future, you can use System Restore to easily revert your computer's configuration back to a point where the computer was working normally. This makes it much easier to manage your computer and make sure it continues to run efficiently.
As always if you have any comments, questions or suggestions about this tutorial please do not

Sunday 4 May 2014

How to install wordpress on local host wamp or xamp server

Few days back one of my friend asked me How to Install WordPress Locally using XAMPP. He was trying to setup a local website to try out some design and content before its pushed to production environment of third party hosting service. Though I guided him, I realized that I don’t have any active article running on my site that is too obvious, so I decided to put in all the information together in an article and publish it. Here we will see all the steps from downloading XAMPP to publishing our first post on brand new local website.

Step 1: Download XAMPP from the official site

First of all we will download XAMPP from the official site. We will choose the “Installer” format/option suggested and most preferred.
Download XAMPP Installer
Download XAMPP Installer
The download size is aroud 102MB so need to be patient till it completes. Once download is complete you will have an exe “xampp-win32-1.8.2-2-VC9-installer.exe” [Name may vary as per version you are downloading]. We need to execute it to start our installation of XAMPP.

Step 2: Installing XAMPP

Installation is super easy. You just need to locate the downloaded exe file and run it. Simply follow the easy instructions during installations like choosing language, directory etc. Below image will show you what options I have chosen for installation.
XAMPP - Select Components
XAMPP – Select Components
Installation may take 10-15 minutes depending up on hardware environment. Once its complete you will be asked to start the control panel. This panel will have listing of services running on your machine and you can choose what to start, PID, Ports etc. After installation is complete my control panel is like this
XAMPP - Start Servers
XAMPP – Start Servers
I have only Apache and MySQL servers running as I need only this as of now. You can test if XAMPP is running properly by visiting local url as
XAMPP Installation Test Page
XAMPP Installation Test Page

Step 3: Setting up MySQL for WordPress

Every WordPress site needs a MySQL database to run. We will setup one database and a user first using the PHPMYADMIN panel provided by XAMPP. To access this you just need to type in url http://localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser.
Once you are on this page click on “Databases” link, it will open you interface to create database. Here we will create a database named
wp_local“. Refer below given screen for same
PHPMYADMIN - Database Creation
PHPMYADMIN – Database Creation
Once you click create, a database will be created and it will be listed in the database list. Next we will create a user for this database. For that you need to click on the database from left side database list. After that click on the “Privileges” tab. This page has a link to create user, click it. You will be presented with the interface as shown in below
PHPMYADMIN - User Creation
PHPMYADMIN – User Creation
Make sure you grant all the Global Privileges from this page as ours will be admin user to we would need all the rights we can get. Now we are all set from database side.

Step 4: Setting up Virtual Hosts in XAMPP

Before we go to WordPress installation we would like to decide on domain name on which we will be doing our WP installation. I am sure you dont want to do it on some default localhost url. We will setup a local domain name which will be either .com or .dev as we are doing this for development purpose. Its up to you what to choose. [You can even choose any random characters :)]
So for our illustration purpose we will take domain name that’s easy to type in ““. XAMPP provides us with a file “httpd-vhosts.conf” under installation directory “C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra” [this is installation path on my local environment, it may vary on what path you chosen while doing installation]. We need add v-host entry to this file. Virtual host entry is nothing but way of telling apache that from where you want to operate your site, what domain name etc. Now I have chosen a directory on my C: drive “C:\” to act as a document root for my website. Let me show you what code you need to add to conf file.
First of all stop the apache server from XAMPP control panel. Open above httpd-vhosts.conf file in any text editor of your choice.  remove # from NameVirtualHost *:80 in the file. It should look like
Then, add following lines in the end of the file
Now once its done, close the file and start apache server. Go to your machines “System32\drivers\etc“ and openhosts file in text editor. Add following line to end of the file
You are done, go and try to access the site in your browser. You will be greeted with welcome page if you added one in the document root directory.
Local Site Up and Running
Local Site Up and Running

Step 5: Install WordPress Locally using XAMPP

So far we have completed the basic website setup. Now we need to go and grab a our WordPress installation copy and install it in our newly setup domain name. Always use official WordPress site to download the copy, you can download one form here. At the time of this article we have version 3.6.1 available so we will get it.
Copy “” to “” directory and unzip it in the root directory itself. The structure will look like below
WordPress Dir Structure
WordPress Dir Structure
Once you extracted all the files to root directory, go to the browser and type in your domain url. WordPress setup will detect that there is no configuration done earlier and it will prompt you to do one as shown below
WordPress Configuration
WordPress Configuration
Click on this create configuration button, in next couple of screens, it will ask you details about our database, which we have already setup using PHPMYADMIN. Give in the database name, pwd etc
WP - Database Configuration
WP – Database Configuration
Submit the form after entering correct details about user and password. Next step will confirm the database details and will ask you to start installation. Once you passsed the database test, you will need to provide your website title, admin user password for wordpress control panel as shown here
How to Install WordPress Locally using XAMPP
How to Install WordPress Locally using XAMPP
Go on and click on “Install WordPress” button. It will take couple of minutes for installation to complete. Once it is you will be presented with login screen to your wp-admin. Login using the user/password we set in above steps and you are ready to post your first article and share it with the world.
WordPress Admin Panel
WordPress Admin Panel
and here is your actual website
WordPress Website
WordPress Website
That’s it you have your website installed locally where you can try out any design, plugins etc. and once satisfied you can push those to your live/production environment. Hope this article will be useful to those who seek information.